

Meticulously I consider
the placement of
these fragile, little letters
precariously perched
upon delicate,
slightly unsteady serifs.

Diligently deliberating
the most effective
the most capable
combination–to convey
this quiver in my bones,
this shudder in my lungs,
the sound of a heart breaking.

Picking through the
shattered pieces,
these tiny fragments
of mine, i find
a comma shaped splinter.
Perhaps it belongs here
a tiny pause,
a shallow breath,
a metaphor for

Possibly it better serves
lingering like an apostrophe,
an indication of possession,
manifestation of a merging,
we are not.

On second thought,
how does one
effectually punctuate
absence of affection,
the reticence in rejection,
unrequited love?

Yes, of course,
the self-effacing ellipsis
soundlessly signifying:
lack of substance…
the weight of hanging space…
and words I’ll never say

author: rashael crystal
photo source: Paul Hess